Press Release: Ankara’da terör saldırıyı şiddetle ve nefretle lanetliyoruz! Condemnation and Condolences Message for the Terrorist Attack in Turkey
Press Release: Ankara’da terör saldırıyı şiddetle ve nefretle lanetliyoruz! Condemnation and Condolences Message for the Terrorist Attack in Turkey
Turkish Version:
Büyük Türk Milletinin Başı Sağolsun,
Irak Türkmenleri olarak, Türkiye başkenti Ankara’da sivilleri hedef alan hain ve kalleşçe terör saldırıyı şiddetle ve nefretle lanetliyoruz.
Yüce Allah’tan hayatını kayıp eden vatandaşlara rahmet ve yaralılara acil şifalar diliyoruz. Büyük Türk milletinin başısağolsun,
Allah Türk’ü korusun ve yüceltsin ve terorist PKK/DAİŞ ve yandaşılarını kahr etsin.
English Version:
Condemnation against Terrorism and Condolences Message for Turkish People
Iraqi-Turkmen Community condemn the terrorism and expressing our sincere empathy with the victims of the suicide bomb attack by terrorist PKK & ISIS groups in the Turkish capital of Ankara that killed at least 34 people and wounded 125.
It is the third explosion in the Turkish capital since October 2015. So it’s very easy to look at terror attacks that happen in London, in New York, in Paris and feel pain and sadness for those victims, so why is it not the same for Ankara?
Kindest Regards,
Osama Ali Ozkan | Executive Director
Canadian Iraqi-Turkmen Culture Association of London
255 Horton Street, London, ON
Goodwill Building, 3rd Floor, Suite 2